Thirty-five years ago, she was among the most beautiful women.

Kelly McGillis began her career as a server and later held other positions before securing a part in the Reuben, Reuben film, which was nominated for an…

She is married to one of the world’s most beautiful actors.

Whether they are long-term unions gone awry or a brief romance between two young stars, relationships in Hollywood are thrilling and challenging. Pierce Brosnan and his wife…

Tre muaj nga vrasja e Liridona Ademajt, vëllai i saj: Drejtësia të mos vonojë, rasti të gjykohet pa gabime

Sot janë bërë tre muaj nga vrasja e Liridona Ademajt. Vëllai i saj, Leonardi, ka thënë se dhimbja sa vjen e shtohet dhe se ata i mban…

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